Signups are closed for the 2025 season

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Choir: Only new choir members will need to submit a short audition video. The music can be just one verse of a hymn from any denomination. A capella is great. If accompaniment is used, please be sure it is quiet and doesn’t make it difficult to hear the singing. Your video should be in mp4 or other standard format and can be uploaded in links at the top after you login. Please also take a few seconds at the first of the video to state your name and let us know if you know how to read music, if you have had voice lessons, and anything else you want us to consider.
Soloists: You have to sign up for the choir before you can do a solo audition. Solo auditions will initially be by video. Please state your name and take a few seconds to say what you are trying out for and whether you will accept a different part. After the auditions are reviewed, specific people will be contacted and asked to sign up for an in-person callback audition. These will be held about mid-December. Soloists will be chosen and contacted before Christmas.
          Each solo audition will need to include each segment that you are wanting the committee to consider. The music is available after you login. Your format must be mp4 or other standard format. There will be upload options links at the top after you sign in.
Orchestra: Only new orchestra members need to audition. Please submit a short video in mp4 or another standard format. This should include 30-60 seconds each of two contrasting pieces. These can be submitted by links at the top after you sign in. Please take a minute at the first to state your name and and how long you have been playing your instrument, if you have had lessons, and whatever other information you would like to give us.
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If you have any trouble signing up, Contact Us. If you already have an account, don’t try to set up a new one if you have problems. Contact us, we are happy to help look up your login, email, or set you up a temporary password if something isn't working to do it on the login form. One thing we have found is that FireFox has the hardest time logging in. Also using the email as login doesn’t always work as well as the username. The username is usually FirstLast, like John Doe would be JohnDoe.